Page d'accueil/Blog/[EN] Announcement Motofil S.A.



[EN] Announcement Motofil S.A.


Motofil announces the merge of some companies of the group

To all our business partners:

Motofil Group informs all its business partners of the achievement of the project of merger registered and made public on 29 of June of 2018, and after all legal requirements were met.

The process of merger now concluded gave rise to MOTOFIL S.A. company, and results of the incorporation on Motofil Robotics, S.A. of the follow companies: Motofil Equipamentos de Corte, Lda., Motofil Serviços, Lda., and Motomig Soldadura, Lda., companies that ceased legally with the merger registration, and whose rights and duties transferred to MOTOFIL S.A.

We kindly ask that for all the commercial relation from the date hereof, to be made with support on the following data:

Adress: R. Tomé Barros Queirós, nr 135 | 3830-252 Ílhavo | PORTUGAL
VAT number: 501184546
Share Capital: €3.410.000,00


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